Thursday, April 26, 2012

Can We Give Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant A Womb Transplant?

Gov. Phil Bryant is proud of making major strides toward the goal of totally eradicating abortion rights in the good old boy state of Mississippi:

 Days after he signed a law that would effectively shut down his state’s only remaining abortion-performing clinic, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant accused Democrats of having one mission in life: “to abort children.” “The hypocrisy of the left that now tried to kill this bill, that says that I should have never signed it, the true hypocrisy is that their one mission in life is to abort children, is to kill children in the womb,” Bryant told conservative radio host Tony Perk
ins on Tuesday...

The recently-signed bill to crack down on Mississippi abortion providers is one of the most stringent to be passed by a state. It requires all doctors who perform abortions to be certified in obstetrics and gynecology and have admitting privileges at a local hospital.

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